最近開始老歌連鎖效應了~~m&m's巧克力寶貝同學再推薦Kenny Loggins在90年代的歌曲【For The First Time】,出現在Michelle Pfeiffer和George Clooney主演的One Fine Day(1996,一日鐘情)電影原聲帶中。【For The First Time】這首歌搖滾公雞Rod Stewart在1996的【If We Fall in Love Tonight】也有收錄演唱,目前還沒查到誰是原唱,不過都很好聽啦~~


For The First Time by Kenny Loggins




Are those your eyes? Is that your smile?
I've been lookin』 at you forever,
Yet I never saw you before.
Are these your hands holdin' mine?
Now I wonder how I could've been so blind.

For the first time、I am looking in your eyes.
For the first time、I'm seein' who you are.
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin』 back at me.
Now I understand what love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....

Can this be real? Can this be true?
Am I the person I was this morning,
And are you the same you?
It's all so strange. How can it be?
All along this love was right in front of me.

For the first time、I am looking in your eyes.
For the first time、I'm seein』 who you are.
I can't believe how much I see
When you're lookin』 back at me.
Now I understand what love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....

Such a long time ago
I had given up on findin' this emotion ever again.
But you’re here with me now.
Yes、I've found you some how,
And I've never been so sure.

And for the first time、I am looking in your eyes.
For the first time、I'm seein' who you are.
I can't believe how much I see,
When you're lookin back at me.
Now I understand what love is.......
Love is.....for the first time.....

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