Sam應該是「Livin In A World Without You」體驗最深刻的人吧!今年沒有Dean的夏天如此漫長.....
看這歌名就覺得很適合給我們Sam啦~~這一年的夏天沒有Dean,他努力Survive!!!送給第四季以來有點被冷落但是內心非常痛苦的山米!而這隻fanvid取名為「Supernatural...」,那點點點似乎代表著這一路走來無法輕易用言語道盡的點點滴滴......And I can't live in a world without SPN!!!!
我承認,第一季看完並沒有讓我立刻中毒,真的是AXA第二季開播之後,才突然發現「OMG...怎麼這麼好看啊!!他們兩個也太會演了吧...」,當我發狠啟動驢子大神去抓下第一、第二季的那時候開始,注定踏上了這條SPN的不歸路……而且,再回頭去看一次第一季時,那種把第二季的憾動再拉回第一季重溫時,第一季更顯得單純但是深刻。有時候就是會因為一支fanvid又觸動了對這部影集的感動和無法抑制的喜愛…所以我又囉唆了…> <
The Rasmus官網:
這首歌出自The Rasmus 2008年第7張專輯【Black Roses】。The Rasmus來自於芬蘭赫爾辛基,成軍於1996年,他們是芬蘭最成功的音樂團體之一,在全世界賣超過350萬張唱片。在發行第四張專輯【Info】之前,團名為Rasmus,但為了避免與瑞典的一個同名DJ混淆,於是改名為The Rasmus。2003年的第五張專輯【Dead Letters】讓他們在國際上才真正聲名大噪。這團我最印象深刻的是主唱視覺系的樣子。久違了三年的新作品,今天整理時發現還不錯聽,看到歌名就啟動SPN OCD,所以….請看以下fanvid及原曲MV,聽歌吧!
The Rasmus【2008】Black Roses
Its hard to believe that it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you
You told me my darling
Without me you're nothing
You taught me to look in your eyes
And fed me your sweet lies
Suddenly someone will stare in the window
Looking outside at the sky that had never been blue
Oh there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Oh there is hope to guide me
I will survive
Living in a world without you
Its hard to believe that it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you
You put me together
Then trashed me for pleasure
You used me again and again
Abused me, confused me
Suddenly naked I run through your garden
Right through the gates of the past and I'm finally free
Oh there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Oh there is hope to guide me
I will survive
Living in a world without you
Its hard to believe that it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you
Its hard to believe that it came to this
You paralysed my body with a poison kiss
For 40 days and nights I was chained to your bed
You thought that was the end of the story
Something inside me called freedom came alive
Living in a world without you
Oh there's a world without you
I see the light
Living in a world without you
Oh there is hope beside me
I will survive
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
Living in a world without you
The Rasmus - Living in a world without you
來源:imeem - Mony