哈哈~~又拖了一個人看Flashpoint啦!(倫媽被炸開了~~),這一集1.06是我個人非常喜歡的一集,因為這次是女隊員Jules出場談判,而且非常動人,接著又超英勇救人~~帥斃啦!!!!而且裡面的幫派叫做...Winchester幫..中毒很深!!!最後最後的重點是,片尾的配樂就是飾演Jules的Amy Jo Johnson演唱的歌曲《Dancing InBetween》,看片段聽歌囉~~~
唯一的女隊員-Jules,Amy Jo Johnson飾演
Amy Jo Johnson個人網站:http://www.amyjojohnson.com/home.html,看起來也是個愛唱歌的演員,哪天Jensen也來出個單曲ㄚ~~
Flashpoint 1.06 - Attention Shoppers
Got so scared it made me cry.
Life took me for a ride.
Got so scared it made me laugh.
Tickled my pride.
Now I'm dancing in-between.
Cause I got nowhere to hide.
Romancing the seams of my battered up insides.
Wonderful is the falling of a broken dream. Written on the cover of a New York magazine.
Clap my hands Jo baby I'll stomp my feet.
Cause there is always another Firstman to beat.
Dancing in-between because I got nowhere hide.
Romancing the seams of my battered up insides.
Dancing in-between
Dancing in-between
I'm the fool、got no scene、tangled up in this god damn in-between.
Made the break so baby pass the wine. Just wasting all this precious time.
Dancing in-between
Dancing in-between
Got so scared it made me cry.