FP 後來開播的終於都有字幕啦!這集是延續了1.01的故事,主角又是我們Ed帥隊長啦~~可憐的未公開小情侶才剛剛被老大發現,Jules就受傷啦~~總之!又是非常好看、揪心、我又飆淚的一集啦!加上這首歌曲的搭配,又是催淚彈一枚!除了FP最後片段、原曲MV,最後附送SPN 搭上這首的fanvid一支....光那句Here by my side就夠適合溫家兩兄弟啦~~聽歌聽歌!
《Weapon》配樂選自加拿大民謠歌手Matthew Good 2003年專輯【Avalanche】中
Flashpoint 2.04 Between Heartbeats clip
Here by my side、an angel
Here by my side、the devil
Never turn your back on me
Never turn your back on me、again
Here by my side、it's Heaven
Here by my side、you are destruction
Here by my side、a new colour to paint the world
Never turn your back on it
Never turn your back on it、again
Here by my side、it's Heaven
Careful、be careful
Careful、be careful
This is where the world drops off
Where the world drops off
Careful、be careful
You breathe in and you breathe out
For it ain't so weird
How it makes you a weapon
And you give in
And you give out
For it ain't so weird
How it makes you a weapon
Never turn your back on it
Never turn your back on it again
Careful、be careful
Here by my side、it's Heaven
Weapon by Matthew Good
來源:imeem Jukebox
Supernatural--Weapons (Here By My Side)