4.12 Double Trouble in the Panhandle這一集總算有一些片段可以放了,而且老闆要大推這集,實在太好笑了,Bones和Booth一起去馬戲團臥底,然後Bones完全是玩瘋了,硬是要當Booth的箭靶...可以看以下劇照以及本集所有劇照的連結,Booth的飛刀絕技真是帥呆了~~Bones還上演走鋼絲~~
Buck & Wanda夫婦
Bones - Fun on the Set!(4.12)
Joshua Radin的歌曲又被影集用上了,第一季的Leverage也用過,本篇這首《No Envy, No Fear》出自2008年專輯【Simple Times】。
Joshua Radin
Joshua Radin【2008】Simple Times
No Envy, No Fear - Joshua Radin (LIVE)
Some are reachin' few are there
Want to reign from a hero's chair
Some are scared to fly so high
Well this is how we have to try
Have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear
Brother brother we all see
Your hiding out so painfully
See yourself come out to play
A lover's rain will wash away
Your envy and your fear
So have no envy and no fear
When your sister turns to leave
Only when she's most in need
Take away the cause of pain
By showing her we're all the same
Have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear
Every day we try to find
Search our hearts and in our minds
The place we used to call our home
Can't be found when we're alone
So have no envy and no fear
Have no envy and no fear